Lub caij sov tuaj. Hauv cov huab cua sov thiab deformed, kuv tuaj yeem siv dab tsi los siv lub caij ntuj sov zoo?
Cov lus teb yog: ntov.
Raws li tus tau lees paub "poj huab tais zoo tshaj plaws" hauv cov ntaub, lo lo ntxhuav yog cov muag muag thiab breathabable, nrog lub caij txias, tshwj xeeb yog tsim nyog rau lub caij ntuj sov txias.
Lub caij ntuj sov nyob ntawm no, vim yog cov cua sov, cov menyuam ntxhais yuav khi lawv cov plaub hau, tab sis khi lawv cov plaub hau ntev yuav rub lub taub hau thiab ua rau mob taub hau. Txhua zaus kuv hle txoj hlua plaub, kuv yuav nqa ob peb plaub hau nrog nws.
Mas kom txhua tus sivSilk Plaub Hau Scrunchy! Nws yog qhov yooj yim heev rau khi cov plaub hau yam tsis tau tawm ib txoj kab, thiab nws yuav tsis rub lub taub hau. Yog tias nws yog ib txwm muab tso rau ntawm lub dab teg, nws yuav tsis ua ib qho cim.
Staring at the computer at work, staring at the mobile phone after get off work, and staying up late at night to watch a drama… This is probably the current situation of many people. Tom qab ntsia rau cov khoom siv hluav taws xob ntev ntev, koj tsis tau saib xyuas koj lub qhov muag ntev npaum li cas?
Yog tias lub qhov muag tsis tau so thiab so, cov tsos mob xws li lub qhov muag qhuav, mob, lub hnab tsaus, thiab qhov muag nkees yuav ua raws sijhawm.
Ntsib nrog ntau qhov kev teeb meem qhov muag, ntau tus neeg ua ntej xav txog lub qhov muag cream, thiab lwm yam, tab sis muaj lwm cov khoom cuav uas yuav tsis quav ntsej los ntawm txhua tus! Uas yog tusMulberry Silk Saiwmasks.
Ntxiv nrog rau qhov zoo-saib tsos ntawm silk lub ntsej muag ntsej muag, silk nws tus kheej muaj ntuj moisturizing tej yam. Qee tus neeg hu tusTxhob lo lo ntxhuav daim npog ntsej muag"Ntuj collagen lub npog ntsej muag". Cov khoom muag tsis muaj cov tawv nqaij muaj nyob hauv nws tsis tuaj yeem tsuas yog hydrate daim tawv ib ncig ntawm lub qhov muag, tab sis kuj muaj qhov cuam tshuam zoo heev rau relieving tsaus voj voog! Thiab kov tau yooj yim thiab zoo tag nrho, thiab kev ntxhib los mos yuav tsis xav tias muaj khoom txawm nyob hauv lub caij sov.
Lub sij hawm Post: Jun-01-2022